Sonora Photographer | Playing in Mammoth Lakes | Christine Dibble Photography
Every summer, I spend a month in Mammoth Lakes for running camp. We get totally spoiled by the scenery, and while I always take team photos there, I wish each year that I had someone willing to just wander while I follow with a camera and capture the scenery and light. This year, I got to do that! While sitting in the (freezing!) creek one evening, I was drooling over the light and wondering how I could convince someone to pose. When I mentioned it to Marylu, she was all for it. The original thought had been to wear a wrap (the condo curtains?) and sit on a rock, but a quick trip to the local thrift shop unearthed two dresses for a few dollars. It took some public changing and creativity to hide a sheer wet dress and all it revealed from the families nearby, but Marylu upstaged the beautiful Mammoth mountains and meadows!