Sonora Newborn Portraits | Newborn and Dog Sibling Session | Christine Dibble Photography
I love it when families include their furry children in photos, so what could be better than a newborn and dog sibling portrait session? As long as the dog is friendly and not an out-of-control danger to the baby, I love to include family pets in the session. This handsome little man was one of the early arrivals I worked with. His furry sibling was so excited to actually be allowed to get close to the baby! We got the baby settled, worked on posing the dog, and after a bit of convincing that it really was okay to get close, the tongue came out and baby got a full face washing! Just wait until he is old enough to drop food from the table!
Laura Ryan - I absolutely love the way the dog is looking at him. So protective and sweet! Baby and big fur-brother are going to grow up to the best of friends!
Jenny Storment - Wow I love these Sonora newborn portraits and I love how they brought their dog his “sibling” for portraits too! What a sweet newborn session you created for them!
Casey - What an adorable Sonora newborn photo session! I love how they incorporated their family pet into their photo session!
Tina - I have no doubt this family will cherish these newborn photos!