Sonora and Reno Wedding Photographer | Jake and Hailey | Christine Dibble Photography
When I photographed Jake’s sister Kaela’s wedding last year, I never dreamed I would be back in just a year for Jake’s wedding. I took Jake’s senior portraits just two summers ago. He went from boy to man in the blink of an eye! He signed up with the Army, and living across the country from his sweetheart was just too much. The wedding took place at Rancho San Rafael Park in Reno. Jake’s mom has a thriving business cutting and styling hair, but I think she should have a second career as a wedding planner. Just as Kaela’s wedding was full of special little details and planned to perfection, Jake and Hailey’s was no different. From set-up to break-down there was a lot of help and everything ran like clockwork. The ceremony was beautiful, the food was great, and the party was fun. And a bonus for me…the grounds backed up to a botanical garden that had the perfect settings for portraits both with and without fall color. When you have a bride and groom as beautiful as Jake and Hailey and a wedding party that is just as gorgeous, my job is easy! This was the perfect way to celebrate a new life for these two before they both moved to the other coast. Here’s to a long life of happiness together!
Ashley Eiban - What a stunning Reno wedding day you captured here! 😀 I love all the details and emotions you captured of their special day!
Dawn - I loved the look and feel of this wedding. The bride was gorgeous and they looked so much in love! I would recommend you to any Sonora or Reno bride that I know! Great job Christine Dibble Photography!
Patty - I just love the portraits of this wedding in Reno!!! Great job to you and great job to the mother who planned it!! Planning weddings is no joke! They will treasure these images for a lifetime.
Sonya - I love your wedding photography. Your attention to detail is flawless. Your images tell a beautiful story.
amanda myers - I love all the variety in your wedding photography- you got some great formal, posed shots (although the wedding party shot of with some sitting/kneeling was a great pose!) you had fun candid moments, and the portraits of the bride and groom showed skill and creativity. Couples in need of a wedding photographer in Reno should cheek you out!
Sarah Sweetman - Oh my goodness – this wedding was so sweet – it must have been such a thrill to do these wedding photos after doing his senior portraits a few years ago. This location at the Rancho San Rafael was perfect for their unique style. You did an amazing job capturing every moment. Well done
Bailey - Lovely work with this young couple’s wedding day photography. the posed images are breath taking. I love your use of foreground elements. I’m not really familiar with the Reno area but I think the location you chose for the formal wedding party images was fabulous.
Suri - I love weddings and I love when Christine Dibble photography photograph them. She has a very good talent to capture the moment as well as details. Nice to see great work
Jennifer - Gorgeous wedding, I love all the details you where able to photograph for this couple. This is definitely some amazing memories. Christine Dibble Photography I am spreading the word of your amazing work in the Sonora and Reno Area!
Michelle Flowers - Christine Dibble is the best Sonora and Reno Wedding Photographer there is, hands down. I couldn’t help but fall in love with each and every photo you posted of this wedding …. I am just a visitor and you made me want to see all of the wedding pictures! What amazing job as a wedding photographer to capture such detailed shots starting from the wedding dress, the ring and the flowers…. but the bride and groom photo’s were just “STUNNING” Outstanding job Christine Dibble Photography
Julie Leonard - Wow. A-Maz-ing! Sonora and Reno have no idea how wonderful it is to have a Wedding Photographer like you!